As the line between IT and business intelligence blurs, clients increasingly expect and value vendors who can provide...

As the line between IT and business intelligence blurs, clients increasingly expect and value vendors who can provide...
You love SalesForce, Jira, Workday, Tableau, and the other powerful business apps that you rely on day to...
How is it that we are inundated every day with advertisements telling us about the benefits of artificial...
RelayiQ is thrilled to announce our latest release, our first gaining the added resources and firepower of being...
As the line between IT and business intelligence blurs, clients increasingly expect and value vendors who can provide...
You love SalesForce, Jira, Workday, Tableau, and the other powerful business apps that you rely on day to...
How is it that we are inundated every day with advertisements telling us about the benefits of artificial...
RelayiQ is thrilled to announce our latest release, our first gaining the added resources and firepower of being...
It has been less than a month since we were acquired by Astreya, and it is already paying...
Dashboards are a great tool for analysts, but too often they fall short of driving action. This has...
In addition to a solid background in traditional computer science, RelayiQ engineer Nikola Novakovic has been working heavily...
Saying Tableau is just a tool for making dashboards is like saying Superman is just a guy with...
The team that started RelayiQ were (and still are) hardcore Tableau users – some of us are analysts,...
Good fantasy football players have a mental scouting report for the top 25-50 players and these mental reports...
Don’t want to rain on your parade football fans, but fantasy football has far more to do with...
Let’s face it, if you are dealing with data and analytics than data quality matters. Many people use...