It has been less than a month since we were acquired by Astreya, and it is already paying amazing dividends for our customers and our products. We’ve completely overhauled our user interface/user experience, as well as implemented machine learning-driven BI automation tools. As part of the Astreya team, we can now dramatically accelerate the speed, scope, and support of our BI automation tools like never before. Just check out the details for our upcoming release — our biggest yet!
First, we brought in a UI/UX expert to completely overhaul the user interface and user experience to make it easier to implement and maintain RelayiQ. The user now walks through a logical sequence of steps based on best practices that allow you to define and customize your own BI automation templates tailored to your specific needs.
The template-creation interface is now divided into three easy tabs: Detect, Prescribe, and Notify. For this release, we have focused on ramping up all three with special emphasis on Detect.
New “Detect” Features
- Choose any metric and interact with it directly in the “Detect” window
- Easily set up advanced threshold detection for alerts
- Use machine learning to establish expected values and predict if new data is within a certain confidence interval of the “norm”
- Adjust the duration of your time series to account for seasonality
- X-bar analysis – where data is within an upper or lower standard deviation from the mean
- Frequency to avoid becoming spam or missing key alerts
- Set notifications to dynamically mute and unmute based on smart thresholds
New Look to “Prescribe”
- The “Prescribe” window now mimics a standard email window with all the tools you would expect for rich-text formatting
New “Notify” Features
- Choose users, ranges, limits, filters, frequency, and start dates in a single place.
These features are a direct response to the feedback we have been getting from customers and prospects, and we can’t wait to see what you do with them. The release is due out next month, but if you’d like to get a head start, you can always get a free trial of the current RelayiQ product. We are here to answer any questions you might have and are excited to help you get started!