iVantage Health Analytics is a leading healthcare performance management and benchmarking company that helps organizations evaluate performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and achieve sustainable ROI through their enterprise software solutions.
iVantage’s analytic offerings include a suite of complex Tableau-based reports that draw upon a proprietary database of hospital metrics. Having developed and tested these new dashboards, the team was looking to automate the generation of hundreds of reports, with various combinations of user-configurable parameters. After considering developing an in-house software solution to automate this packaging, they decided they did not want to commit to the long-term support and maintenance of such a tool. iVantage instead chose to explore the SaaS market for an offering that would serve their customized needs.
RelayiQ provided the perfect solution for iVantage’s needs. Ross Helenius, director for business intelligence at iVantage, estimates that with RelayiQ, the report generation workflow is now faster by an order of magnitude. Helenius highly valued the collaborative nature of working with RelayiQ as they teamed to develop a deep understanding of the problem and an elegant and robust solution. “Where we are both developers, it was great to be able to give and get input and to come out with a great solution.” said Helenius. According to Helenius, with the automation put in place by RelayiQ, “You get all that time back to focus on what you are supposed to be doing and not just bulk generating reports.”
In addition to their automation of reports, iVantage is excited to dig into more of the metric-driven functionality within RelayiQ. According to Helenius:
“RelayiQ is filling in some of the functionality gaps in Tableau and enhancing its value to iVantage and other Tableau users. It is nice to see that Tableau is making it possible for third-party solutions to fill in those gaps by exposing their APIs and encouraging partners to build extensions. I do like the push notification mechanism instead of just expecting people to just discover when things change. Overall, the RelayiQ solution is conscious of people’s time and energy, and it gives them back time rather than expecting them to constantly be checking in on dashboards and analytics on their own.”